web developmentnodejstypescripteslintwebpackbabelsourcemapsscssvscodedevcontainerdocker
How to set up a Node.js Typescript web project well
This post covers how to set up a project with Node.js and Typescript using eslint, webpack, babel, source maps, SCSS and vscode devcontainers using Docker.
This project makes use of eslint with airbnb styling and typescript support.
All linting errors can be automatically fixed (usually) by running npm run lint -- --fix before you commit your changes.
Getting it running locally for development
Devcontainer + vscode
If you have Visual Studio Code and Docker installed then you can open this project using the Remote - Containers extension (ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers). Click the button at the bottom left of vscode, then 'Reopen in container'. You can now run the application using the vscode debugger.
Standard local install
Running npm run dev will build the development version in the dist folder and enable hot reloading. It will also open the application in a new browser tab automatically.
Running npm run build will create the production assets in the dist folder.
In the .devcontainer folder you'll need three files.
# [Choice] Node.js version (use -bullseye variants on local arm64/Apple Silicon): 18, 16, 14, 18-bullseye, 16-bullseye, 14-bullseye, 18-buster, 16-buster, 14-busterARGVARIANT=16-bullseye
FROMmcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/javascript-node:0-${VARIANT}# Install tslint, typescript. eslint is installed by javascript imageARGNODE_MODULES="tslint-to-eslint-config typescript"COPYlibrary-scripts/meta.env/usr/local/etc/vscode-dev-containers
RUNsunode-c"umask 0002 && npm install -g ${NODE_MODULES}"\&&npmcacheclean--force>/dev/null2>&1# [Optional] Uncomment this section to install additional OS packages.# RUN apt-get update && export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \# && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends <your-package-list-here># [Optional] Uncomment if you want to install an additional version of node using nvm# ARG EXTRA_NODE_VERSION=10# RUN su node -c "source /usr/local/share/nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install ${EXTRA_NODE_VERSION}"
// For format details, see https://aka.ms/devcontainer.json. For config options, see the README at:// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.238.0/containers/typescript-node{"name":"Node.js & TypeScript","build":{"dockerfile":"Dockerfile",// Update 'VARIANT' to pick a Node version: 18, 16, 14.// Append -bullseye or -buster to pin to an OS version.// Use -bullseye variants on local on arm64/Apple Silicon."args":{"VARIANT":"16-bullseye"}},// Configure tool-specific properties."customizations":{// Configure properties specific to VS Code."vscode":{// Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created."extensions":["dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"]}},// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally."forwardPorts":[3000],// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created."postCreateCommand":"npm install",// Comment out to connect as root instead. More info: https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/containers/non-root."remoteUser":"node"}
One important thing to note in this file is the installation of inotify-tools to the underlying Debian OS, as this is required for webpack to be able to poll and do hot reloading.
# [Choice] Node.js version (use -bullseye variants on local arm64/Apple Silicon): 18, 16, 14, 18-bullseye, 16-bullseye, 14-bullseye, 18-buster, 16-buster, 14-busterARGVARIANT=16-bullseye
FROMmcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/typescript-node:0-${VARIANT}# [Optional] Uncomment this section to install additional OS packages.RUNapt-getupdate&&exportDEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive\&&apt-get-yinstall--no-install-recommendsinotify-tools
# [Optional] Uncomment if you want to install an additional version of node using nvm# ARG EXTRA_NODE_VERSION=10# RUN su node -c "source /usr/local/share/nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install ${EXTRA_NODE_VERSION}"# [Optional] Uncomment if you want to install more global node packages# RUN su node -c "npm install -g <your-package-list -here>"
Visual Studio Code Debugging
Within the .vscode folder you'll need to create this launch.json file:
{"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"Launch via NPM","request":"launch","runtimeArgs":["run","dev"],"runtimeExecutable":"npm","skipFiles":["<node_internals>/**"],"type":"pwa-node","stopOnEntry":true,}]}
Create the following files:
Assuming you're using git, this will be the same as your .gitignore file.
Webpack with SCSS and TS support, plus hot reloading
The structure for this application is to have a src folder that contains: all .html and .ts; assets folder for images; styles folder for .scss files. The files will be compiled to a dist folder for deploying to a web server.
constpath=require('path');module.exports={mode:'development',entry:{bundle:path.resolve(__dirname,'src/index.ts'),},output:{path:path.resolve(__dirname,'dist'),filename:'[name].[contenthash].js',clean:true,assetModuleFilename:'[name].[contenthash][ext]',},devtool:'source-map',devServer:{static:{directory:path.resolve(__dirname,'dist'),},port:3000,open:true,hot:true,compress:true,historyApiFallback:true,},watchOptions:{poll:true},module:{rules:[{// Use these loaders for any matching scss file typestest:/\.scss$/,use:['style-loader','css-loader','sass-loader',],},{// Add backwards compatibilitytest:/\.(js|ts)$/,exclude:/node_modules/,use:{loader:'babel-loader',options:{presets:['@babel/preset-env','@babel/preset-typescript'],},},},{// Add support for imagestest:/\.(png|svg|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/i,type:'asset/resource',},],},resolve:{// Specify the order in which to resolve files by their extensionextensions:['*','.js','.ts'],},};