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Installing Home Assistant OS on Truenas Scale

2022-10-29 Update

There's a newer version of HAOS available, so the below guide has been updated to use that. The original used this:

Use wget to get the ova file:


Extract the ova file using tar:

tar -xvf haos_ova-6.6.ova


Mostly taken from and cleaned up.

Make sure to use a location on your data pool as a working directory, don't use any system directory. I made a hass folder on my data pool plex-media:

cd /mnt/plex-nas/plex-media/hass

Use wget to get the ova file:


Extract the ova file using tar:

tar -xvf haos_ova-9.3.ova

Convert the vmdk to a raw image file, I had to use the full working directory for the source:

qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O raw /mnt/plex-nas/plex-media/hass/home-assistant.vmdk hassos.img

Create a Zvol using the TrueNas Scale GUI - Be sure to make it large enough for dd to complete, I used 35 Gib.

Use dd to write the image file to your zvol

dd if=hassos.img of=/dev/plex-nas/home-assistant

Create a virtual machine using the gui and attach the zvol you just created as the hdd.

Minimum recommended assignments:

  • 2GB RAM
  • 32GB Storage
  • 2vCPU

All these can be extended if your usage calls for more resources.